Guess Who - 15 Things About Me
At work, we have this thing going around called 'Guess Who'. Basically there's this big list of questions and we have to choose and...
A Simple Girls' Night Out...
Recently, a few girlfriends and I decided that we were long overdue for a girls' night out. We had made a group chat quite awhile back...
The big reveal... sort of
Today, while editing, I came to a point in my story where there's a pretty pivotal reveal. It's the ninth chapter, and according to my...
Head's Up!
What my novel is about.
NaNo Midpoint Update!
Hello dear readers! If you're subscribed to my newsletter, you already know that I've been tackling NaNoWriMo a little bit differently...
Spooky Update
Happy Halloween dear readers. I hope you all had a fun and safe night last night! My kitties and I had a wonderful time handing out candy...
Chapter One - Done Done Done!
Well, if you saw my newsletter, you probably saw that I filled in all the missing bits of the first chapter of my novel. The moment when...
A Real Time Saver!
So life can get pretty hectic. This is a given. Especially if you're like me and are working a full time job during the week, trying to...
So I haven't posted in quite awhile. I feel bad, but I have also been busy working on my book, so I'm hoping you will all accept my...
A November to Remember
November! Only halfway in and already so much has happened. Before I get to my new memories, let's talk briefly about one day in...